Manage posts

Posts are our content creation tool. You can use posts to email members and publish content to a members-only website hosted by Memberful. In this help article, you'll find instructions on viewing, editing, and managing posts and drafts, along with tips for filtering and sorting them.

In this help doc:

View a post or draft

You can find all published posts via Content → Posts in the Memberful dashboard. Each listed post will include Title, Category, Published to, Interaction, and Last edited.

Edit a post

To edit a post, click the post title or click the ellipsis icon (...), and select Edit post.

Once you're happy with your edits, click Update to save your changes.

Edit a draft

To edit a draft, click the Drafts tab and click the draft post title.

After your edits, you can click Settings to adjust the target audience, change category, enable or disable comments & likes, select your publishing options, send a test email, or delete the post.

After completing your edits, you can then save the draft or publish your post.

Editing a post that's already been emailed to members will only update the content on the hosted member site. Emailed content will not be updated.

Filter posts

You can filter published posts by All posts, Web posts, Email posts, or Hidden posts.

Sort posts or drafts

You can sort your published posts or drafts by Title, Category, Published to, Interactions, or Last edited.

Related help docs:

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