Admin member management

Memberful provides a dashboard for managing member profiles and subscriptions effortlessly. With intuitive tools and insights, our dashboard empowers you to oversee member details and subscriptions seamlessly, ensuring a tailored and engaging experience for every member."

Learn how you can:

Manage your members

Enter a member's name, email address, or order number in the search bar, which is accessible from the homepage or the All Members page on the Members tab.

Search for a member

From the Member view, you can:

Member profile

Click Edit member to edit the member’s name, email, address and phone number (if applicable), or to add or remove an all access pass.

Edit a member

You can also delete a member from this view.

Edit member details

View a member’s integration status

From the Integrations tab, you can view the member’s status with each of the following integrations: Campaign Monitor, ConvertKit, Discord, Drip, Mailchimp, Mailerlite, and Sailthru.

Member management integrations

Understand why there isn’t member data for an integration

There are a few reasons why we may not be able to display a status for a particular member and integration:

For newsletter integrations:

If none of these scenarios apply, you can try to add the email address directly in the service to see if it resolves the issue. In most cases, Memberful will get notified by the service and we’ll begin syncing the member.

View whether a member is subscribed to post emails

To view if your member is still subscribed to your posts, check their Subscribed to posts status in their member profile.

Member subscribed to posts

If you want to track the status for all your members, export a member csv and view the Subscribed to posts column.

View their activity

From the Activity tab, you can see all the individual member’s activity.

Member activity

View their invoice history

From the Activity tab, you can also click the Order # to view or download their invoices.

View or download invoice

If they're subscribed to multiple plans, you can click on the specific subscription from their member profile, scroll down to the Activity section, and click the relevant Order #.

View their email history

From a member's profile, you can access a record of their transactional email history via the Emails tab.

Member email history

You can use these records to help solve email delivery inquiries from your members. You can confirm if the email was successfully delivered or not, and what action should be taken to rectify any issues.

There are two kinds of failed email delivery records:

For both soft or hard bounces, there's a variety of reasons why the bounce was recorded. The resolution depends on what caused the bounce in the first place.

Click the Processed, Delivered, or Bounced icons to see additional details and the recommended next steps.

Related help docs:

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