Email templates

Memberful sends beautiful transactional emails on your behalf that drive members to take important actions. The email templates include default text as well as the ability to fully customize both the subject line and email body using a rich text editor and variables. We'll also apply your custom branding to the templates.

In this help doc:

Configure sending details

Navigate to Members → Settings to edit the name and reply-to email associated with all transactional emails sent by Memberful on your behalf.

Sending details

Alternatively, you can send white-label emails using your own SMTP server or transactional email service. This can also be configured via Members → Settings. Learn more.

Test the email templates

You can send and receive transactional emails while in test mode.

As you're editing your email templates, you can send a test email to yourself by clicking the Send a test email button at the bottom of the page. You can also send up to 25 emails a day while your site is in test mode.

Send a test email

After your site is live, to test how the email templates are being triggered without affecting current emails being sent, you can open a separate Memberful account and leave it in test mode, or use a service like PutsMail.

Edit the email templates

Navigate to Members → Templates. All email templates are enabled by default except for the Welcome message and Checking in.

Click an email template to edit it.

HTML email template

You can edit the subject line and the default text. You can also click Add variable to view the available variables and add them to the template. Click Reset to default to return to the default text.

Edit HTML email template

Click Save changes when you’re done editing.

Review available templates

Welcome emails

Payment emails

We send the Card missing and Card expired emails once a day at 9AM UTC. How does this impact your members? Here's an example:

Let's say a member signs up for a 7-day trial on March 1st at 10 AM UTC; we will have already sent the emails for the day. Once we check again on March 2nd, the subscription will now expire in 6 days, so the member won't be eligible to receieve the emails.

Subscription emails



Group subscription emails

Maintenance emails

Review available variables


Available for these templates: Welcome message, Payment receipt, Order refunded, Checking in, Password reset, New free member created, Discord invite.


Available for these templates: Subscription expiring soon, Subscription is past due, Subscription expired, Card expired, Card missing, Yearly renewal reminder, Free trial ending.


Available for these templates: Gift delivery, gift payment receipt.


Available for these templates: New reward.


Available for these templates: Retention discount, subscription canceled.

Group subscriptions

Available for these templates: Request to join a group subscription, Welcome new group subscription member, Welcome group subscription manager.

View a member's email history

You can access a log of the transactional emails we send to members on your behalf. Learn more.

Related help docs:

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