Use a staging site or development environment

Staging sites and development environments are clones of your live website. They enable you to make and test changes before they go into production and are visible on the live site. In this help doc, learn how to use a staging site or development environment with Memberful.

In this help doc:

Use a staging site or development environment

Memberful can be used with a staging site or development environment, but these websites must not be password-protected (e.g. it must be publicly accessible to anyone who has the URL). If your staging site requires a password to access it, you'll need to remove the password requirement and disconnect / reconnect the plugin.

Use a live site and a staging site or development environment

Only one website can be linked to a single Memberful account. If you have a staging site or a development environment, as well as a live site, we recommend that you set up a second Memberful account for your staging site and leave it permanently in test mode.

Move from a staging site to a live site

When you connect the Memberful WordPress plugin on your staging site to your Memberful account, Memberful stores the location of your site so that we can automatically and continually sync subscription data to the WordPress user.

After you move to your live site, disconnect/reconnect the plugin so your Memberful account knows where the new site is located and update your redirect settings to reflect any changes to the URLs.

When you "go live" and connect Stripe, we'll purge all your Memberful test members and orders. At this point, we suggest that you delete any test users from your WordPress site.

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