Offer members an ad-free experience

In this article, we’ll show you how to provide your members with an ad-free experience on your WordPress site. This approach provides your paid subscribers with an interruption-free browsing experience, while allowing you to maintain ad revenue for visitors.

In this help doc:

Hide ads using WP functions

One way to hide ads for paying members is to leverage Memberful’s WordPress functions to add an HTML/CSS class to the page which would determine whether the ads should be displayed or not.

First, we'll use our WP function is_subscribed_to_any_memberful_plan() to determine whether or not a user is a paying member.

If they are, use the body_class filter to add a custom class to the page's tag. The following snippet can be added to your theme's functions, either by inserting it into the functions.php file or by using a code snippets plugin that can add a new WP filter:

function add_memberful_body_class( $classes ) {
    if ( is_subscribed_to_any_memberful_plan( wp_get_current_user()->ID ) ) {
        $classes[] = 'active-memberful-member';
    return $classes;
add_filter( 'body_class', 'add_memberful_body_class' );

In the above example, the active-memberful-member class is added to the page's tag whenever the current user is subscribed to any plan. You can then use CSS to hide any ads if that class is present.

This approach works well with Raptive (formally Ad Thrive), a popular ad network focused on helping creators make money through ads.

Hide ads using subscriber roles

If your ads platform supports hiding ads for paying members based on their user roles in WordPress, you could use this functionality in conjunction with Memberful’s Advanced Role Mapping.

This approach works well with Advanced Ads, a popular WordPress plugin for managing ads on your site. Review their documentation to learn how to disable ads for certain user roles.

Hide ads based on specific platform requirements

Some platforms have unique setup requirements. We've included some examples below, but if you don't see your specific ad platform here, the previous approaches will probably work for it.

Hide ads if you’re using Mediavine

Mediavine is a full-service ad management platform.

If you’re using Mediavine and you want to hide ads for paying members, add the code below to your theme’s functions - either by manually inserting it into the functions.php file or through a code snippets plugin that can add a WP action.

function disable_mv_script() { 
    $user_id = wp_get_current_user()->ID; 
    if( is_subscribed_to_any_memberful_plan($user_id) == true){ 
        wp_deregister_script( 'mv-script-wrapper' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_mv_script');

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