Change plan price

Do you want to change your plan prices for everyone? Or, continue charging existing members the same plan price while charging new members a different one? We support both cases with a few simple steps described in this article.

Operator icon

Operator highlights the importance of price increases for maintaining and growing a thriving membership program. When communicated thoughtfully, these adjustments can be well-received, and with the right approach, you can ensure that your members feel valued and informed. Check out our guide for best practices, and key components of price increases!

In this help doc:

Change plan price for all members

If you want to change a plan's price for all members, navigate to Revenue → All plans, select a plan, and click Plan Settings. Once there, update the price and save your changes. Both new and existing members will pay the new price when they sign up or at the next renewal.

Change plan price

Change plan price for new plan members

If you want to change the price for new members and keep the original price for current members, create a new plan at the new price and replace the plan purchase link on your site.

Then uncheck Available for purchase in the Plan Settings of the old plan.

Change plan price

If a member lets their subscription expire on a plan that has been made unavailable to purchase, they'll no longer be able to renew that plan.

Member subscribed to expired and unavailable plan

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