
In this article, we'll show you how to gain valuable insights into the behavior of your members by tracking your orders, renewals, and refunds from your Memberful dashboard. Order data can help you make informed decisions about your current plans, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns, leading to improved user engagement and business revenue.

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View the Overview page

The Orders overview page displays charts of all orders, new orders, refunds, and renewals. The charts default to show totals for the last 30 days and you can use the date range picker to customize the displayed dates or adjust the reporting frequency.

Navigate to Revenue → Orders to view your Orders overview page.

Orders index page.png

You can select the Count filter to view your charts as total counts, rather than revenue.

Orders count.png

Hover over the line in any chart to see a tooltip with the total for that point in time.

Orders hover.png

You can select between pre-defined date ranges or define a custom range using the calendar. Depending on the size of the period selected, a second dropdown appears with an option to segment the chart by "Day", "Week", or “Month”. Also, the date range may be rounded to include the beginning/end of the week or month, depending on the period selected.

Orders date picker.png

Keep in mind that your displayed revenue is before any coupons or transaction fees have been applied.

To filter the data by plan, open a specific chart and click Filter plans. You can add up to 8 plans to compare results on your chart.

Orders plan filter.png

Note: The charts on the Orders overview page show data for all plans.

View the All Orders chart

The All Orders chart tracks total revenue or total count over a selected period of time. This includes all new orders (subscriptions or standalone downloads), renewals (even if reactivating a different plan than the member's original one), upgrades, additional seat purchases for group subscriptions, and external payments.

All Orders.png

View the table below any of your charts to see the total for a specific day.

Orders table.png

Below any orders table you can view a member list with their order data that contributed to your total. You can also export the list.

Orders export.png

This chart provides your gross revenue which will help you understand how we calculate your Net Revenue. Learn more about Net Revenue.

View the New Orders chart

The New Orders chart tracks all new orders from plans, gift purchases, and trials. Free trials will increase the count but not the revenue. Paid trials will increase revenue.

New Orders.png

You can see the revenue generated from all orders, including recurring and one-time payments. Learn more about Net Revenue.

View the Renewals chart

The Renewals chart tracks successful renewals for recurring plans and trials that converted into active subscriptions.

Orders renewals.png

Renewals contribute to your gross revenue which will help you understand how we calculate your Net Revenue. Learn more about Net Revenue.

View the Gifts chart

The Gifts chart tracks total revenue or total count of gift orders over a selected period of time.

Gifts chart

View the Refunds chart

The Refunds chart tracks all member refunds.

Orders refunds.png

This metric allows you to compare revenue and members lost to cancellation and failed payments. Learn more about Churn.

When does the Order data get updated?

Most order data is available in real-time as it’s added to the charts a few minutes after processing. Every night we update the metrics of the day before. If your selected date range includes today, we'll update today's data on-demand and that’ll also refresh every few minutes.

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