Add a member

With Memberful, you get an independent dashboard where you can manage existing members and add new ones manually if needed.

In this help doc:

Add a member through the dashboard

Navigate to the Members tab and click New Member.

New member

Enter the member’s name and email address, then click Create Member.

Create member

If you'd like to comp access to all plans and downloads (perfect for friends or colleagues), check the box: Yes, automatically give access to all downloads and plans.

Alternatively, you can add a credit card if required. If you don't add it on their behalf, the member will be prompted to add one a week before their plan renews (assuming this email template is enabled in your account).

Add a credit card

Add a subscription

From the member’s profile, scroll down to the Subscriptions section, click Add a new subscription.

Add a new subscription

Select the plan from the dropdown list, uncheck the box labeled Charge credit card for this plan when subscription starts if applicable (e.g. if you don’t want to charge the member or you’re subscribing a group subscription manager to a group plan that will be paid externally), and then click Start the subscription.

Start the subscription

Delete a member

Navigate to the member’s profile and click Edit member.

Edit member

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Delete (member's name) button.

Delete member

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