Import members via CSV
Do you have a list of members you need to import into Memberful?
You can upload a CSV file (a spreadsheet) containing the member data, and they'll be imported into Memberful. You can even specify which plan they should be subscribed to, what their next renewal date should be, and more!
In this help doc:
- Populate our sample CSV file with your member data.
- Upload your CSV file.
- Avoid duplicate records in your CSV.
- Subscribe a member to multiple plans.
- CSV import fields.
Populate our sample CSV file with your member data
Navigate to the Members tab, click Import Members, download our sample CSV import file, and import it into Google Sheets to avoid issues with special characters. (Excel generates these special characters so we recommend importing and exporting the CSV via Google Sheets.)
Export member data from your current membership system (if applicable) and format it in the Memberful import file. See a list of the fields below.
Make sure you keep the column headers in the first row of the sample CSV intact. If you change the column headers, your CSV import might not work.
Upload your CSV file
From that Import Members page, use the Choose File button to select your CSV, and click Import Members to upload the file and import your members.
It's a good idea to start with only one or two members in your CSV file, checking to see if the members were imported successfully before you upload a file with all the members in it.
If you get an error message after uploading, check the CSV file's column headers. In most cases, the import operation fails due to the column headers not matching our sample CSV file's headers.
Avoid duplicate records in your CSV
Each member's personal details will only be imported from a single row in the spreadsheet. If there are multiple rows of data for the same member, they will only be added as a member once, but plan subscriptions from each row will be added.
Because of this, if you have multiple rows for a member and they all reference the same plan, the member will end up with multiple duplicate subscriptions to the same plan.
Subscribe a member to multiple plans
If you want to subscribe a member to multiple plans, you can do so by including multiple rows for that member and specifying different plans in the Memberful plan name column.
CSV import fields
Here's a reference list of the columns in our sample CSV import file. Make sure you don't change the names of these columns from the sample CSV file.
- First name (Required): First name of the member
- Last name: Last name of the member
- Email (Required): Email address of the member
- All access pass: Should the member have an All Access Pass (access to all plans and downloads)—Yes or No? The default value is No.
- Address: Member's street address (line 1)
- Address Line 2: Member's street address (line 2)
- City: Member's city
- Postal code: Member's ZIP or postal code
- State: Member's state - Must be a valid 2-letter state code for US and Canada (e.g., NY, CA, etc.)
- Country: Member's country - Must be a valid ISO3166 Alpha-2 2-letter country code (e.g., US, CA, etc.)
- Phone Number: Member's phone number
- Memberful plan name: Name of the Memberful Plan you want to subscribe the member to
- Memberful plan expiration date (Required if Plan Name is set): The date on which you want the subscription to expire or renew
- Memberful plan automatically renews: Should the plan automatically renew on the expiration date—Yes or No? The default value is Yes.
- Trialling: Should the member be on a trial period—Yes or No? The default value is No. This column is ignored if the plan does not offer trials. If the plan does offer trials, and the trialling column is set to "Yes," we set the subscription as trialling and use the memberfulplanexpiration_date column as the trial end date.
- Stripe Customer ID: If the member already exists in your Stripe account and has a credit card on file, you can enter the Stripe Customer ID and the credit card will automatically be associated with the member's account.
- Custom field value: If you created a Custom Field via Settings → Customize → Form prior to July 2021, you may populate it for the member. Please note that custom fields created after July 2021 don't currently support importing values via CSV. The values you import here will be assigned to a single, unnamed custom field that isn't displayed in the member's profile, but does show up in CSV exports. Learn more about our plans to improve this
- Coupon code: Enter a valid coupon code. It will be applied at the next renewal.