Empowering members with flexible login options


Back in 2021, we removed the need for members to create a password during checkout — making the signup process smoother and quicker than ever.

In our ongoing commitment to enhance the member experience, we’re now making it easier for them to log in to your site (or their account) with either a password, magic link, or one-time code. We believe that this approach will contribute significantly to the overall happiness of your members.

Prompt new members to create a password

To make it much easier for new members to create passwords, you can now create a custom field that collects this information right after checkout. Once the member types their password and clicks “Done,” they can sign in using a password moving forward.

Password custom field

Prompt existing members to create a password

We’ve made password creation easier for existing members, too. We now include a link to create a password on the confirmation screen after triggering the sign-in email and in the footer of the sign-in email.

Prompt existing members to create a password

Smoother passwordless login with one-time codes

After triggering the sign-in email, we now show a field for the member to enter a unique, numerical code. This code will be included in the sign-in email along with the requested sign-in link. Members have the choice to either click the “Sign in” button to open a new browser tab, or copy and paste the code to complete their sign-in.

One-time code

Safari on iOS and macOS can auto-fill the code from Apple Mail.

Auto-fill one-time code

Increase member happiness (and retention) with a smoother login process

By providing multiple login options, we're empowering members to choose the method that best suits their preferences, leading to increased satisfaction and greater long-term engagement.

How to learn more

To learn more about our login methods and how to set up password creation after checkout, check out our help documentation.

Featured photo by rc.xyz NFT gallery on Unsplash

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