A new (and easy) way to capture and engage with free members

Email your free members with posts

Offering content through a freemium model builds trust and equity with soon-to-be members while also framing your business as one managed by an established thought leader. Many creators use free content to build up a following before they make the transition from free to paid; it’s a smart acquisition and retention strategy to offer some content for free as well as keeping other content for paid members only.

As of today, you can use our member website and newsletter features to fully acquire, communicate with, and publish content to free members (in addition to paid members!).

Add a free signup module to your landing page

You can now add a box for free registration on your Memberful-hosted landing page alongside your paid plans and download modules, making it easy for your audience to join your community.

Free member signup

Personalize the free registration form

The content on the free registration form is now customizable! You can modify the title and button label and also include a description to highlight the benefit of signing up.

Customize free registration form

Build credibility with public posts–no login required!

You can now have your posts open to everyone on the web. This will give site visitors a chance to get to know and trust you, making them more likely to subscribe and upgrade to a paid membership later on.

If you would rather have all your posts behind a paywall, you may still choose to require an account. This way, only registered members will be able to read the complete version of your posts.

Allow public posts

Email your free members with posts

Using Memberful posts, you now have the opportunity to email both members who signed up through your free registration form and inactive members. These communications can be used to convert free subscribers into paying members and to re-engage members who have previously churned.

Target free and inactive members

How to learn more

To learn more about capturing and engaging with free members, check out our help documentation.

Featured photo by Silvan Arnet on Unsplash

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