Vacation tips for avoiding creative burnout

An airplane flying at sunset

Organizations are facing an employee burnout crisis. A Gallup study study showed that nearly 7,500 full-time employees found that 23% of employees reported feeling burned out at work very often or always, while an additional 44% reported feeling burned out sometimes. That means about two-thirds of full-time workers experience burnout on the job.

It seems inevitable. You watch your colleagues lose steam as they stride past career milestones. Your own initial propulsion towards success, once so passionate, feels forced. Projects become an unending to-do list of chores you’d rather push aside for a few mindless hours with Netflix. These are the tell-tale signs that burnout is on the horizon, but the good news is, it doesn’t have to be.

Avoiding burnout is possible as long as you approach it with foresight and strategy. To that end, we’ve outlined five tips to help creatives step away from their digital devices and daily work to enjoy and thrive off us some much needed — and much deserved — time off.

Before taking a break

Before that badly needed vacation, there are a number of things you can do to stay focussed and healty. Eat well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Good physical health is crucial for maintaining mental wellbeing.

avoid burnout

Practice self-care -- engage in activities that help you unwind and rejuvenate, such as reading, taking a bath, or practicing mindfulness and meditation -- and feel free to seek support. Share your feelings with people you trust, like friends, family, or a therapist. They can offer valuable advice and a listening ear.

Notify your members or customers

Every solid relationship is built off of trust and consistency and that’s still true when you’re taking time off. Soon after you buy those plane tickets, notify your clients or fanbase that you’ll be MIA during a certain period of time. With your members you could use it as an opportunity to give a peek into your personal life and creative process.

For example, you can write a post about your tip that gives readers insight into how healthy mental states are linked to moments of respite and how you’ll be recharging your creative juices for a new project.

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Another strategy could be to purposefully schedule a vacation during industry downtime. The music industry notoriously slows down during the holidays, practically for the full month of December. If you’re a musician, planning a getaway right before the new year would make the ordeal a lot less stressful, just as it should be.

Take inventory, organize, and delegate tasks

So, what do you actually do on a day-to-day basis? Now is the time to take an inventory of all those offhand tasks that you complete without thinking. For at least a few days record everything, and we mean everything, you attend to.

Once you're done writing down each and every task, start to think long-term. A two-week vacation will affect your workflow differently than a four day road trip, so plan accordingly.

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You may have a helping hand in your midst willing to pick up the slack while you’re gone. Whether that’s a PA, intern, or a good friend, don’t be afraid to delegate. These moments are exactly why you’ve nurtured a support system.

Set realistic goals; be aware of your limitations and set attainable goals. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and prioritize them. This will help you manage your time effectively: plan your working days and set aside time -- well in advance -- for breaks and relaxation. Once you're on break, establish boundaries between work and personal life. Avoid taking work home or working during your time off - this is time for you.

Schedule articles, tweets, and automate emails

Unfortunately, until we nail down teleportation, you can’t be in two places at once. Luckily, handy scheduling tools make is so you don’t have to be. Want to schedule blog posts or articles for your website ahead of time? Wordpress and Squarespace have options for that.

Worried that your social media presence will stagnate while you’re suntanning? There’s a plethora of tools with varying price tiers and flexibility: Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and CoSchedule only name a few. What about emails? How will your fanbase remember you have a gallery opening or a show in their city? Mailchimp is a gold standard for email automation.

Plan out giveaways and special promotions

As part of your social media or email scheduling, consider throwing in a giveaway or special promotion that ends after your return. It’s an easy and off-hands way to engage with your members while you’re taking time off.

If you’ve set yourself up with passive income, it’s also a smart idea to boost it with special promotions before your trip. The extra cash will buy you peace of mind when deciding whether you’d like to spring for a spa massage.

Relax, take a breath, and unplug

Ok, here’s that tough love moment: stay away from your inbox. Some experts even suggest creating a vacation-centric email address and only giving the address out to those who absolutely need to contact you. Learn to say no: recognize your limits and avoid taking on too many responsibilities or commitments.

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It's okay to decline requests, especially when you have been feeling overwhelmed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for avoiding burnout

What are the warning signs of burnout?

Early warning signs include persistent fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation, and difficulty concentrating.

How can I prevent burnout while working from home?

Establish a designated workspace, set boundaries between work and personal life, and take regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Is burnout different to stress?

While stress is a normal response to challenges, burnout is a prolonged state of exhaustion and detachment from work.

Can burnout impact physical health?

Yes, burnout can lead to physical health issues such as headaches, stomach problems, and weakened immune system.

What role does sleep play in avoiding burnout?

Quality sleep is crucial for preventing burnout as it allows the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate.

How Can I Stay Motivated During Challenging Times? Focus on small, achievable goals, practice gratitude, and seek inspiration from role models or mentors.

Conclusion: How to avoid creative burnout

You’ve planned and double-checked those plans, put aside some extra income, and are about to board a plane, sit on a train or car, for several hours to see new sights. You deserve to unplug, and your creative juices will applaud you for it.

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