Simplified member site management

Pencils in white container

Until now, settings for the member-hosted site were scattered across the dashboard, each with a different layout. This update consolidates everything in one place, making it quicker and easier to build your member website. We’ve also upgraded the editing interface for a more seamless and user-friendly experience.

Streamlined interface

All forms (custom fields, free signup forms, checkout pages, subscribe pages), design elements, member site settings, and content pages are now conveniently located side by side, right where you need them.

Streamlined interface

Simplified page creation

When you create a page, you’ll be taken to a website editor with a live preview, making the page creation process much more intuitive.

Website editor

The title block lets you add a beautiful banner as well as a title, subheading, and call-to-action button, all with just a few clicks.

Title block

Our new text block has its own permissions, allowing you to target members down to the plan level. We’re excited to add more “blocks” in future updates to give you even more control over the look and feel of your site!

Text block

Easier site design and management

Additional controls are more easily accessible, simplifying both the management of your site design and access settings.

Quickly manage individual page settings all in one place.

Page settings

Access the global branding settings from whichever page or form you’re viewing. Easily upload your assets and colors, and choose a theme for your site.

Global branding

Toggle between desktop and mobile views, and preview your site to make sure everything looks perfect.

View across browsers

Ready to get building?

Learn more about setting up a member site in our help documentation.

Feature photo by Daria Shevtsova

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