Send targeted offers to win back members before they churn

Based on our experience, we know that discounts can be an effective way to persuade members to reactivate a subscription (instead of letting it expire) and increase lifetime value and revenue growth. We now have an easy way for you to pull this lever: Introducing Retention Discounts!

As of today, you’ll able to offer discounts to members who are canceled but not yet expired, in a targeted way, with minimal effort. Read on to see how it works >

Customize discounts so they make sense for your business

From Discounts > Retention in the Memberful dashboard, you can set up discount offers to win back members who have canceled their membership.

Decide on which plans are eligible, how long the member would need to be active, along with the discount amount and type (one-time, recurring, fixed).

New retention discount

To qualify for a retention discount, a member needs to have been an active subscriber for at least the minimum amount of time as defined in the discount settings. This could mean they were subscribed to 1 plan for the minimum amount of time, or 2 plans (via a plan upgrade) that, when combined, make up the minimum amount of time.

Retention discounts

Deliver an offer that your members cannot refuse

We’ve added a new email template that will be sent to members who are eligible for these discounts one hour after they cancel a subscription.

Retention discount email

The template will include a link to redeem the discount. If they click and accept the offer, their subscription will be resumed with that discount applied, on top of any other existing discounts.

Redeem retention discount

Track the success of your efforts

It’s important to understand how many members have used the discount, and how much money has been retained because of it so you can adjust accordingly for the intended result.

In the usage report, we’ll show the total dollar amount of all subscriptions that have been processed with the coupon attached.

Retention discount usage

Enable this feature to win back members

Retention Discounts are off by default so navigate to Discounts > Retention to turn on this feature.

Enable retention discounts

You can customize the discounts and email template, or use our smart suggestions so you can get started right away!

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