We've added support for 12 languages

Our new email templates

Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag! We’re pleased to announce that you can now display your Memberful pages and emails in one of 12 different languages or 3 English-speaking locales. With customers all over the world, we know how important it is to provide a seamless experience for your members — and using your native language is a big part of that.

This will help you create a consistent experience, build trust with new members, and engage and retain existing members.

A native experience for your members

All members will see the language that you select, including correctly formatted dates and currencies. This applies to all member-facing pages like your checkout, member profiles, and transactional emails sent by Memberful.

Localized checkout

Translate your site today

Memberful supports English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. We also support three English-speaking locales: English (United States), English (United Kingdom), and English (Australia).

To select your language, go to Account → Account settings in your Memberful Dashboard, or check out our help doc for more information.

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