Paid newsletter revenue calculator

All fields are required to perform calculation
Choose an email delivery method

Memberful will save you money with at least {{breakEvenSubscribers}} subscribers.

Substack logo

Est. revenue per month

After Stripe and Substack fees Stripe2.9% + 30¢ per transation Substack10% per transation

{{ formatCurrency(substackRevenue) }}

Memberful logo
Memberful and Mailerlite logos with a plus sign
Memberful and Mailchimp logos with a plus sign

Est. revenue per month

After Stripe, {{ titleCase(mailer) }} and Memberful fees Stripe2.9% + 30¢ per transation {{ titleCase(mailer) }}{{ formatCurrency(mailerCost) }} per month Memberful$49 per month + 4.9% per transation

{{ formatCurrency(memberfulRevenue) }}

Extra earnings with Memberful:

{{ formatCurrency(deltaMonthly) }} per month ({{ formatCurrency(deltaAnnual) }} per year)

Bring memberships to your newsletter

Earn up to {{ formatCurrency(deltaMonthly) }} more per month using Memberful + {{ titleCase(mailer) }} Earn more using Memberful + {{ titleCase(mailer) }}

With Memberful you decide where your content lives and how your audience interacts with you.

  • check Let Memberful deliver your newsletter or use tools like Mailerlite to reach your audience directly.
  • check Earn more money compared to all-in-one newsletter solutions that give you less control.
  • check Earn more over time while delivering the same high-quality content your subscribers love.

Everything you need to run a paid newsletter.


Sync subscriber lists automatically

Integrate and sync with your favorite email marketing tools automatically.


One-click integrations

Supercharge your memberships with third-party integrations available in a single click.

Sell group subscriptions

Plans that contain multiple memberships purchased and managed by a single account.


Offer free or paid trials

Increase engagement and conversions by offering a trial to your new subscribers.


Create a referral program

Share the wealth. Create a referral program both you and your subscribers can benefit from.



Quickly create coupons and run promotions. Offer new members a discount on their first month.

Just press send

Let us handle it new

Send newsletters directly to your paying members using Posts. Target them to members subscribed to specific plans, schedule delivery, and publish them to the web.

  • check Send paid newsletters directly through Memberful.
  • check Publish your content to a members-only website.
  • check Choose which members get access.
  • check Enable comments to engage your community.
Learn more about launching a newsletter with Memberful

or, Take full control

Bring your own tools

Take control and integrate Memberful memberships with your favorite email marketing tool. Memberful manages and maintains the integration, ensuring lists are always in sync.

  • check Choose from the most popular email service providers.
  • check Leave the payments and subscriptions to us.
  • check Automatically keep your members in sync.
Learn more about integrating Memberful with your newsletter service

Used by some of the biggest newsletter publishers