August 2024 product roundup


Exciting new enhancements are here to make creating and managing your Memberful-hosted membership website even more flexible and user-friendly. From hyperlinking images to aligning text and customizing blocks, these updates give you more control over your content and how it's presented to your members.

Here’s what’s new👇


Effortlessly turn any image into a clickable link, making your content more interactive and engaging with just a few simple clicks.

Hyperlink image

Align text in posts and pages

Our new alignment tool in the text editor lets you perfectly position your content for a polished and professional look.

Align text

Add multiple types of blocks inside the page editor

Pick whether you want to add a title block or a text block. Title blocks are perfect for short headings, while text blocks are better for paragraphs or longer sections of text.

Add blocks

Move blocks up and down the page.

Move blocks

Show a paywall and excerpt for individual text blocks

A text block on your page can be made available to everyone (including non-members), active members on all plans, or only to active members on select plans.

Show paywall

If you choose to show a paywall, you can choose whether to show a short excerpt of the text block, before fading out into a paywall.

Member sees paywall

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