Member newsletter guide

Easily communicate with your member using our super-simple email newsletter feature, and optionally publish the same content to your Memberful-hosted site — all in one click.

In this setup guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a member newsletter using Memberful. You'll learn how to create a newsletter post, send it to your members, and track its performance.

How to build a member newsletter

  1. Sign up for Memberful.
  2. (Optional) Allow free registration.
  3. Create your plans.
  4. Create your subscribe page.
  5. (Optional) Add paid plan purchase links to your newsletter or website.
  6. Create a members-only post.
  7. Send your members-only newsletter.
  8. (Optional) Send a preview of your members-only newsletter.
  9. Test the member experience.
  10. (Optional) Track sent post metrics.
  11. Go live.

Sign up for Memberful

To get started, sign up for Memberful, which is free while you're in test mode.

(Optional) Allow free registration

Want to offer free registration to your newsletter? Our free registration feature enables your members to sign up without any cost or obligation for a paid subscription.

To enable this feature, navigate to Website → Free registration, and toggle on Allow free registration. From there, you can edit the title, subtitle, or the button text of the form and click Save.

Free registration toggle

Learn more about allowing free registration.

Create your plans

Navigate to Revenue → All Plans and click New plan. Fill in the details and settings for your plan and click Create Plan.

Create a plan

Learn more about creating membership plans.

Thinking of selling multiple plans that members can move between? Enable our upgrade/downgrade settings.

Create your subscribe page

To sell memberships to your audience, you can create a customized subscription page hosted by Memberful by navigating to Website → Subscribe.

Add a title and description to the page, then select which options appear on the page — whether they're paid plans, standalone downloads, or free member registration. Customize their names and descriptions, and add other content such as FAQs or testimonials. Check out this example for inspiration.

A custom subscribe page page

Learn more about creating a custom subscribe page.

Copy the purchase link from the plan settings page in your Memberful dashboard and paste it on your newsletter or website.

Memberful purchase links

Learn more about adding purchase links to your newsletter or site.

Create a members-only post

Posts can be used to share exclusive, dynamic content with your members. Think of a newsletter or blog post with embedded videos and beautiful visuals. To create a newsletter post, navigate to Content → Posts and click Create a post.

Create a post

Add a title and content for your post. Use the icons at the top of the content editor to format your content and add elements like links and images.

Add title and content

Click Preview to see a preview of what this post will look like to your members.

Preview button

Select an audience to target

Your posts can be sent out to All members (including free members), or send a targeted newsletter to Active members on all plans, Active members on select plans, or Free and inactive members.

Post audience target

When you choose to target only members of selected plans, you can select which plans should be included.

Post audience — select plans

All-access pass holders are included in the count of how many members will receive a message, so the number of recipients might be different than the number of subscribers in the selected plans.

All-access pass members are included in recipient count.png

(Optional) Schedule the post

You can schedule your post to be published or sent sometime in the future. To do so, click Schedule to publish in the future and enter a date and time.

Schedule post

Customize your branding

Click the paintbrush icon in the Website tab to customize the background and button colors, and upload your logo.

Customize branding

Additionally, you can see which features are customizable, how they interact, and what they’ll look like to your members across different views and devices.

Branding preview

These customizations will be applied to your newsletter messages and published posts.

Email Post sample Published Post sample

Learn more about customizing your branding.

Send your members-only newsletter

Click Save draft if you're not ready to publish your post but would like to save your work.

Save draft

Before you publish the post, click Send test email to see a preview of what your members will see in their inbox.

Send test email

Click Publish once you're ready to send it.

Publish post

Replies from members will be forwarded to the account owner's email address.

You can send up to 10 emails per day. Posts cannot be sent via email or scheduled while in test mode. Connect to Stripe to enable that. If you need to send more than ten emails per day, contact us to discuss your use case and how we might support it.

(Optional) Publish messages to a Memberful-hosted website

Our posts feature is two features in one. It allows you to:

You can choose to deliver your posts via email, website, or both.

Publish via email or website

To publish your newsletter message to your Memberful-hosted website, enable the Show on member website toggle. Check out this example of a published post.

(Optional) Send a preview of your members-only newsletter

You can share a preview of your newsletter message to encourage readers to sign up for a membership plan. They'll see a short snippet of the content, followed by an invitation to subscribe in order to see the rest.

We show one of two paywall types depending on your subscribe page settings.

With your custom subscribe page enabled:

Post preview sample subscribe page

With your custom subscribe page disabled:

Post preview sample plan links

To send this preview version of the newsletter to members without access, enable the Send a free preview toggle.

Post send a fee preview

Test the member experience

While your Memberful account is in test mode, use Stripe’s test credit cards to complete example member purchases and recreate their onboarding experience. Make sure to sign up with a different email address than the one associated with your website and Memberful admin account as using the same email address can cause unexpected errors.

You can also view any published post, write comments, and delete abusive ones while you’re signed in to your Memberful dashboard as an admin. Select a post and click View live post to get access.

View post

Learn more about moderating post comments.

Operator icon

Make a lasting first impression with an onboarding program that highlights your best content and gets new members excited from the start. Set the tone for success and engagement right from day one. Check out Operator for tips on designing an onboarding experience that wows!

(Optional) Track sent post metrics

Posts include key analytics to give you insights into the newsletters you send to members.

Post metrics email delivery

Learn more about tracking post metrics.

Go live

When you’re ready to start processing orders, choose your currency and connect to your Stripe account via Settings → Stripe. We will automatically delete all your test orders and member accounts when you switch to live payments.

Nice work connecting to Stripe! 🚀

Now you’re ready to start selling memberships to your audience. Here are a few ideas to make your launch a success:

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