Checkout experience

Memberful provides a secure, branded, mobile-ready payment and account management experience that feels like a natural extension of your site.

Click one of the buttons below and purchase a test subscription. Use 4242 4242 4242 4242 for the card number. Learn more about using test credit cards.

Click here to sign in to your account after you make your test purchase.

In this help doc:

Overlay experience

In all browsers, except for Safari, Firefox, and Brave, the Memberful forms will open over your site in an overlay.

Memberful overlay

From your Memberful dashboard, navigate to Website → Checkout to access our website editor, which will allow you to customize the payment form and see how it will look like across different views and devices.

Website editor

Why the overlay is disabled in some scenarios

The Memberful overlay needs to set certain cookies to know if a member is signed in or not. Since it lives on a Memberful subdomain and not on your site, we have to set third-party cookies, which are cookies that belong to a separate domain.

Unfortunately, some advertisers use this same technology to track user data and preferences around the web. Because of privacy concerns, Safari, FireFox, and Brave block all third-party cookies, which is great for protecting your privacy from these advertisers but also harms legitimate use-cases such as ours. This means that on Safari, FireFox, Brave, and on smartphones in general, we’ll always show the standalone versions of our forms instead of the overlay.

Incognito / private windows are not supported in any browser, in part because in many cases they block third-party cookies, but because of other limitations as well. We can only guarantee that Memberful will work in normal browser windows.

Standalone desktop experience

The Memberful forms will open in a new browser window in Safari, FireFox, Brave, or when your members are accessing their account via a direct Memberful account link. We also default to the standalone experience on our hosted subscription page.

Memberful standalone form

Member standalone custom fields

Member standalone logged in

In this standalone experience, visitors will be able to navigate to your website by clicking your logo in the top left corner of the page, which features a left-facing arrow to indicate that this will take them back to your site.

Member standalone website link

From your Memberful dashboard, navigate to Website → Checkout to access our website editor, which will allow you to customize the payment form and see how it will look across different views and devices.

Website editor

Smartphone experience

The Memberful form will open in a new browser window on all smartphones.

Member smartphone

From your Memberful dashboard, navigate to Website → Checkout to access our website editor, which will allow you to customize the payment form and see how it will look like across different views and devices.

Website editor

Learn about email validation

Once you leave test mode and go live with Memberful, we’ll check for common email address typos in both the Checkout and Gift forms (e.g. gmail.con,,,, hotmail.con), and suggest corrections. Email addresses in free registration forms are not currently validated.

Email validation

Learn about address auto-completion

If you collect addresses in checkout, your members will see an auto-complete suggestion as they type. This makes checkout faster and easier and lowers the likelihood of mistakes or inaccurate addresses.

Email validation

HTTPS and security recommendations

The Memberful service and the Memberful forms are served 100% over HTTPS. This means all Memberful payments are sent to Stripe over a secure connection. However, to protect your website from man-in-the-middle attacks, we recommend serving the page containing the Memberful forms over HTTPS. Customers are also generally more comfortable sharing sensitive information on pages visibly served over HTTPS, which can help increase your conversion rate.

See our enabling SSL documentation for WordPress instructions and Stripe's security guide for more general HTTPS / SSL instructions.

Related help docs:

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