Integrate Tapfiliate

Tapfiliate is cloud-based affiliate tracking software. It enables you to create, track, and optimize your own affiliate programs. Memberful integrates with Tapfiliate. For complete instructions on how to use Tapfiliate, check out their knowledge base.

Memberful allows you to offer rewards to members who refer others to join your membership program in the form of a discount that will be applied to their active subscription. Learn more about our built-in referrals program.

In this help docs:

Review your options for affiliate tracking

Memberful works best with Tapfiliate as your affiliate tracking software. However, you can also use TrackDesk, which is a more affordable option.

If you use TrackDesk, you'll need to manually prepare and add the affiliate tracking code to your site, as there is no WordPress plugin for this service. Tapfiliate does have a WordPress plugin that automates this for you, so setting it up is much simpler.

One advantage of TrackDesk is that it's able to track renewals, refunds, and disputes automatically and without custom development required via their Stripe integration.

In this article, we'll explore how to integrate Tapfiliate with Memberful.

Create your affiliate program

From your Tapfiliate account, create your affiliate program. Once you create your program, you will get an invite URL to share (on your website, via email, or through social media) so you can sign up affiliates.

Shareable link

Once a person signs up to become an affiliate, they will receive their own unique referral link to share with their customers or followers. They can find their unique link in the Assets section of their Tapfiliate dashboard.


Integrate Tapfiliate with Memberful

Navigate to Revenue → Tapfiliate in your Memberful dashboard, and click Connect to Tapfiliate.

Then navigate to Website → External website and fill the Redirect to this page after every order field. If you prefer, you can also set this on a per-plan basis by going to the desired plan and setting the redirect URL.

This should be the URL of a page on your website, usually a "Thank you" page. Memberful-hosted pages like our subscribe page or plan purchase URLs won't work.

Redirect URL

Track conversions with WordPress

If you're using WordPress, you can easily track conversions with the Tapfiliate WP Plugin.

  1. Install the plugin.
  2. Go to Settings → Tapfiliate.
  3. Fill the Tapfiliate account ID field with your account ID found in your Tapfiliate profile settings.
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Edit the "Thank you" page from the Integrate Tapfiliate with Memberful section and add the following shortcode:
[tapfiliate amount_query_param=amount external_id_query_param=order_id customer_id_query_param=member_id]

Track conversions without WordPress

If you're not using WordPress, you'll need to add some JavaScript code to your pages. Place this code in the head of every page of your website between the <head> and </head> HTML tags.

<script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(t,a,p){t.TapfiliateObject=a;t[a]=t[a]||function(){ (t[a].q=t[a].q||[]).push(arguments)}})(window,'tap');

  tap('create', 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID', { integration: "memberful" });

Replace YOURACCOUNTID with your actual account ID, which can be found in your Tapfiliate profile settings. Make sure that your account ID is between single quotes (').

Account ID

Next, place the following code inside the <head> tag of your "Thank You" page, configured in the Integrate Tapfiliate with Memberful section. This will send your conversions to Tapfiliate:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function getQueryParams(){var r={},n=function(r){return decodeURIComponent(r.replace(/\+/g," "))},"&");for(var e in t){var o=t[e].toString().split("=");o.length>1&&(r[n(o[0])]=n(o[1]))}return r}
  (function(t,a,p){t.TapfiliateObject=a;t[a]=t[a]||function(){ (t[a].q=t[a].q||[]).push(arguments)}})(window,'tap');

  tap('create', 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID', { integration: "memberful" });

  var params = getQueryParams();
  if (params.order_id && params.member_id && params.amount) {
    tap('conversion', params.order_id, params.amount, { customer_id: params.member_id });

Replace YOURACCOUNTID with your actual account ID, which can be found in your Tapfiliate profile settings. Make sure that your account ID is between single quotes (').

Account ID

Track and manage affiliate activity

If a customer uses an affiliate’s referral link to access your website and make a purchase, that information (affiliate, conversion ID, and amount) is communicated to Tapfiliate via the WP Plugin or the JavaScript code you inserted. You can manage your affiliates (and their payments) through your Tapfiliate account.

Locate a Tapfiliate conversion in Memberful

If you'd like to cross-reference a Tapfiliate conversion with the related order in Memberful, add your Memberful account URL sudomain and the Tapfiliate external ID (replace 12345) to the URL below:

Please note that the external ID in Tapfiliate refers to the order ID in Memberful.

Integrate Tapfiliate with Stripe

Since both Memberful and Tapfiliate integrate with Stripe, some tasks can be automated. To integrate Tapfiliate with Stripe:

  1. Open the Stripe integration page (replace YOUR-TAPFILIATE-ACCOUNT with your Tapfiliate subdomain):

  2. Skip to the last step (connect with Stripe).

  3. Connect your Stripe account.

Set up recurring commissions

If you’d like your affiliates to earn ongoing commissions for referring members, you can use Tapfiliate’s Stripe integration, which automatically handles renewals.

  1. Make sure you've integrated your Tapfiliate account with Stripe.
  2. Enable lifetime / recurring commissions via Programs → View program → Commission structure.

Automatically handle refunds

If you've integrated your Tapfiliate account with Stripe, and you want all refunds initiated inside Memberful to be propagated to your Tapfiliate account, you can set up an automation using Tapfiliate's REST API. Check out our Partners page if you need a developer's help with this task.

Automatically handle disputes

If you've integrated your Tapfiliate account with Stripe, all disputes in Stripe will automatically result in a Tapfiliate commission being disapproved.

Related help docs:

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