Video processing

Memberful Video is a built-in video hosting feature that seamlessly integrates with your Memberful-hosted site. This means you can embed videos directly into your posts or pages to make them accessible exclusively to your paid members.

In this help doc:

Prepare your video files

Prepare your videos for faster processing and smooth streaming on your Memberful hosted website. While 1080p resolution helps, other factors are just as important. Videos outside standard specs may take longer to process, so follow these tips to save time and ensure great playback.

Here are the recommended settings for your 1080p video files:

  1. Resolution: Up to 1080p (1920x1080).
  2. Video Codec: Use H.264, a common and highly compatible format.
  3. Keyframe Interval: Keep keyframes spaced less than 20 seconds apart.
  4. Bitrate: 8 Mbps or less. Higher bitrates may slow processing.
  5. Frame Rate: Between 5 and 120 frames per second (fps). Rates outside this range will be adjusted to 30 fps.
  6. Audio Codec: Use AAC, the most widely supported audio format.

We support video files up to 1080p.

(Optional) Review additional video processing tips

Please note that video length cannot exceed 30 minutes in pages or 2 hours in posts. Videos uploaded to posts have an upload limit of 20 hours in any given month.

Review available processing messages

After uploading your video to a post, a processing message will display with 3 possible updates.

A standard video file that meets all optimal upload parameters:

Standard processing time

A non-standard video file with one suboptimal upload parameter:

Non-standard processing time one issue

A non-standard video file with multiple suboptimal upload parameters:

Non-standard processing time multiple issues

To ensure your video upload completes successfully, click Save draft before navigating away from your post while the video is processing. Closing the tab or window without saving may result in a failed upload.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure faster processing and a better experience for your audience!

Troubleshooting video files

Why didn't my video send?

If you click "Publish" or "Update" while a video is processing, the behavior varies:

Memberful video troubleshooting

If you run into issues uploading your video file, review your processing message, resolve the incorrect parameter, and reload the file.

Related help docs:

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