Memberful integrations to make your life easier

Memberful integrations

Memberful is committed to helping you create a fantastic membership site as simply as possible. We are the 'glue’ that holds all the separate membership pieces together, so you don’t need to switch services, migrate your audience, or change your workflow. We want to help you engage your community where they are! That’s why we offer many integrations with some of the best and most popular platforms on the internet.

Here’s a quick rundown of Memberful integrations that we hope will make your life a little easier:



Cost: From Free

Give access to the Discord server Giving Memberful access to the Discord server

Discord allows instant communication via dynamic chat rooms known as servers, and it's optimized for real-time interaction, whether by voice, text, or video. It’s hugely popular for gaming and streamers but has already had success with business communication.

When you integrate Memberful with Discord, you’ll be able to automatically assign individual Discord roles to Memberful Plans, thus automatically granting and revoking access to certain channels.

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Cost: From $100/month

Discourse sample thread © Discourse sample thread ©

Discourse is a more traditional discussion forum that is centered around threads. Discussions will be scoped to the thread's subject, and it's suited for asynchronous, thought-out communication rather than real-time conversation. It’s popular for Q&A or help desk-style content and is commonly used by large companies for their FAQs or knowledge base sections.

After you've connected Discourse to Memberful, we'll automatically sync all your active members to all relevant threads, or Groups. If their subscription expires, they will be removed from any private conversations.

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Cost: From free

bbPress WordPress plugin © bbPress WordPress plugin ©

bbPress is a discussion forum software and is one of the longest-standing and most popular WordPress plugins of all time; it’s actually built and managed by the creators of WordPress.

When you activate the bbPress plugin, you'll see a new option in your WordPress site that lets you add new forum threads or monitor/edit existing ones. Combine this with the Memberful plugin to create a members-only discussion forum that syncs and removes access once a member’s subscription expires.

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The Memberful WP Wordpress plugin

Cost: Free

Sign up for Memberful Setting up Memberful in WordPress

WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world: over 455 million websites use the platform as of 2021, according to Envisage Digital, and that number only continues to grow.

When you combine Memberful’s ability to protect content through our WordPress plugin — otherwise known as gating content — you can easily create a powerful membership experience. You can restrict access to all of your members-only content using the ‘Memberful: Restrict Access’ section found at the bottom of every page and post or via post categories and tags.

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Cost: Podcast hosting cost

Subscribing to a podcast on a desktop Subscribing to a podcast on a desktop with Memberful

With Memberful you can create a secure, paid podcast for your members using your existing RSS feed. We do not host your podcast files which allows you to continue using your existing podcast hosting/distribution platforms, such as Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Once the Memberful integration is complete, each listener receives their own secure version of your feed; if their subscription expires, access is revoked automatically. We also include built-in security measures while allowing an easy checkout and log in for members.

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Cost: From $89/month

Tapfiliate UI © The Tapfiliate UI for managing affiliates ©

Tapfiliate is cloud-based affiliate tracking software: it enables you to create, track, and optimize your own affiliate programs. Once you create a program, you will receive a link to a page where new affiliates can sign up. Once a person signs up to become an affiliate, they will receive their own unique referral link to share with their customers or followers.

Memberful integrates with Tapfiliate; just paste your tracking codes into the embedded analytics code in the Memberful platform. You can add as many tracking codes as you like. These tracking codes will be output on the order complete page whenever a customer successfully completes an order.

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Campaign Monitor

Cost: Free

Campaign Monitor flash sales © Campaign Monitor flash sales ©

Campaign Monitor aims to deliver “unforgettable marketing” with a suite of email marketing and automation tools, and Memberful allows you to automatically manage your subscribers. When you complete the integration, we'll create a list called ‘Subscribers from Memberful’ in your Campaign Monitor account.

This will be continuously updated as members join, leave and change their details. We'll also sync important information such as custom fields to help you to build marketing segments.

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Cost: From free

ConvertKit dashboard © ConvertKit marketing dashboard ©

ConvertKit bills itself as “the go-to marketing hub for creators that helps you grow and monetize your audience with ease”. When you integrate Memberful with ConvertKit, we automatically sync important member details as tags within the ConvertKit platform.

You can use these tags to build automated flows for marketing communications. When you click a subscriber in ConvertKit, you'll see the Memberful tags associated with their profile.

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Cost: From free

Building emails with Drip © Building emails with Drip ©

Drip aims to be “your ecomm-growth copilot” with focus on automated marketing tools, insights, and help documentation for ecommerce automation and growth.

The Memberful integration with Drip automatically syncs crucial member details as custom fields and tags in Drip. You can use these tags to build Drip Campaigns and Broadcasts. When you click a subscriber in Drip, you'll see their Plans and information listed in their profile.

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Cost: From free

Email automations © Email automations ©

Email marketing platform Mailchimp helps users grow their revenue by aiming to let you “win new and repeat customers by sending emails and automations from a marketing platform that has expert advice built-in.”

We automatically sync your audience’s subscription data as Mailchimp Groups, which gives you the power to segment your audience within Mailchimp. If a member’s subscription expires, we'll remove the related Memberful group from their profile so they no longer receive email newsletters.

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Cost: From free

Email personalization © Email personalization ©

Sailthru's cross-channel customer engagement software is “built to help marketers connect on a deeper level with each and every consumer”. When you integrate it with Memberful, we'll create a list called Subscribers from Memberful in your Sailthru account, and then automatically update your list by adding new members, delisting expired subscriptions and updating members when necessary.

We'll also sync important member details as custom fields. You can use these custom fields to build Sailthru ‘Smart lists’. You can see the subscriber's custom fields by going to their Sailthru profile and clicking the Custom Fields tab.

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Google Analytics

Cost: From free

Google Analytics annotations © Google Analytics dashboard ©

Acquisition and conversion tracking software Google Analytics helps you measure your audience’s engagement as well as return on investment (RoI) for advertising ROI.

Once you have integrated Google Analytics with Memberful, when someone signs up for a new membership on your website, we send the transaction information to Google Analytics as a transaction event. Tracking can be activated in just a few clicks with the GA Google Analytics WordPress plugin or via Google Tag Manager for For non-WordPress sites.

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Cost: From free

Integrating Zapier with Memberful Integrating Zapier with Memberful

Zapier is an automation engine that help you to integrate workflows across more than 5,000+ apps, including for marketing, design, comms and productivity. These workflows are known as Triggers.

Memberful can activate these Triggers when important member events happen, such as when subscriptions are created, deactivated or renewed, or when a member updates information in their profile.

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We hope this helps!

We are always working hard to improve and increase Memberful’s list of integrations. We hope that some of the platforms listed above will prove useful for you! Which tools will you use? Which ones would you like to see implemented by Memberful next? Let us know via social media: you can find us on Twitter at

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